Bringing Remote Teams Together With Unified Communications

The world of work has opened up significantly in recent years. It’s no longer a case of turning up at nine and being chained to a desk for eight hours: one report from 2018 found that ‘more than two-thirds of people around the world work away from the office at least once every week’, while […]

How Unified Communications helps retain customers

Alongside controlling costs and gaining competitive advantage, retaining customers is a business prerequisite. Yet despite this, many companies devote most of their resources to finding new business. Growing a user or customer base is clearly important but that base will grow much faster if the number of clients dropping out the bottom means your company […]

Why you should consider SIP Trunking for your business

SIP trunking enables you to connect to the public telephone network to send and receive calls via the Internet. It supports VoIP and can be used as an effective replacement for an ISDN line. The latter is an important point to consider as BT has announced the phasing out of ISDN lines over the next […]

Ten key considerations when choosing a new hosted phone system

Is a hosted phone system reliable? – data transfer is more reliable with a hosted phone system as it uses broadband cables which are impervious to bad weather or broken lines How much hardware is required? – in essence a hosted phone system requires no more hardware or infrastructure than a smartphone. How many accounts […]

What is Unified Communications as a service?

You’ve probably heard of ‘unified communications’ (UC). It’s one of those impactful business buzzwords that sounds like it promises to vanquish a variety of problems in one fell swoop. However, that’s because it can. Combining every channel of business communication into a single, cloud service platform, UC is an increasingly popular choice for businesses seeking […]

How does Unified Communications work?

The term Unified Communications (UC) has become something of a buzzword. Like “green” and “sustainable”, “forward-thinking” and “progressive”, before it. Subsequently, many people think of “unified communications” in the same way; more of a cool concept than a tangible mode of improving businesses and services. However, it remains a path for businesses to progress, nonetheless. […]

Unified Communications – is it secure and can it help your organisation succeed?

A big concern with any new technology is how secure it is, especially when compared to the tried, tested and reliable alternatives. Unified Communication (UC) software is typically delivered over a single, encrypted broadband or ethernet cabled network. This method actually reduces the chance of anybody accessing your secure information without authorisation, simply because there […]

Why you should be considering Unified Communications (UC)

In our last blog article on UC, we looked at the advantages that it could bring to your organisation. This time we are looking at whom UC would best suit. As communication technology develops, it becomes increasingly easy for businesses to contact each other internally and keep in touch with their customers. At least, that’s […]

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