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Everything Apple announced at the “Time Flies” event

On Tuesday evening Apple held their annual September event, which marks the start of the hardware season. The “Time Flies” event was different for two reasons. It was streamed entirely online as large gatherings aren’t encouraged right now, but most importantly, no new iPhones were announced. What the event did focus on was the Apple […]

Coping with unforeseen events in the education sector

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus student and teacher safety. Now, with things slowly returning to some sort of ‘normal’, you need to ensure school systems, that in the past you took for granted, can cope with other types of unplanned event, such as a major power cut or flood. This is […]

How to ensure your business is prepared for the unknown

The COVID-19 global pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we conduct our daily routines at home or with our families. At Alfonica, we believe that people are adaptable and want to fulfil their roles as best they can, but often it is our connectivity systems that prove […]

10 tips for getting faster comms when working from home

Now that more people are working from home than ever before, it is important that you do everything possible to maximise your Wi-Fi speeds. Ofcom have issued some good advice which the BBC Website has expanded on to produce a top 10 list of do’s and don’ts to get faster Wi-Fi when you are working […]

Samsung Galaxy Xcover Pro – tough smartphone

Released just before the flagship Galaxy S20 and the innovative Z flip, the not-so glamorous Xcover pro probably slipped under most people’s radar. That’s because this is not an exciting or technology-packed handset, but a proper smartphone designed for people who need a tough, no-nonsense phone for use a lot outside. So, let’s start by […]

Investigating the feasibility of working from home for your employees?

5 factors to consider about your telecoms system beforehand All the technology now exists to make working from home a realistic and straightforward option. The internet and mobile telephony give your employees the freedom to do their job effectively from just about anywhere in the world with an internet connection. But what if you want […]

Bringing Remote Teams Together With Unified Communications

The world of work has opened up significantly in recent years. It’s no longer a case of turning up at nine and being chained to a desk for eight hours: one report from 2018 found that ‘more than two-thirds of people around the world work away from the office at least once every week’, while […]

How Unified Communications helps retain customers

Alongside controlling costs and gaining competitive advantage, retaining customers is a business prerequisite. Yet despite this, many companies devote most of their resources to finding new business. Growing a user or customer base is clearly important but that base will grow much faster if the number of clients dropping out the bottom means your company […]

Why you should consider SIP Trunking for your business

SIP trunking enables you to connect to the public telephone network to send and receive calls via the Internet. It supports VoIP and can be used as an effective replacement for an ISDN line. The latter is an important point to consider as BT has announced the phasing out of ISDN lines over the next […]