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Work from home – solution in a box

Is poor connectivity at home hindering your team’s productivity?

As the government tightens restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19, people are being encouraged to work from home again where possible. Over the last few months, it’s been proven that working from home doesn’t negatively affect productivity or profit – in fact, quite the opposite. Many companies are now looking to ditch the office on a permanent basis or offer better flexible working options for their staff.

However, there are instances where working from home can be a headache; especially when someone in your team or organisation is struggling with poor connectivity. Home working isn’t going anywhere, and we’ve got the perfect solution to help you stay productive even when your broadband is letting you down. Choose from one of two plug-and-play connectivity solutions:

Complete Mobile Wi-Fi

This is a full wireless broadband solution that gives you a high speed 4G mobile connection. It includes an unlimited mobile data SIM, converter cable from wireless to wired internet, two internet cables and a port to a desktop phone. The mobile Wi-Fi solution costs just £30 a month, with a one-off setup fee of £149 and a 30 day rolling contract, so you can cancel at any time.

Accelerate fixed-line broadband

This solution gives you fast access to fixed-line broadband (ADSL or Fibre) with unlimited data. It includes one static IP (perfect for VPN access), a pre-configured high speed router, converter cable from wireless to wired internet and two internet cables.

The fixed-line broadband solution costs just £32 a month, with a one-off setup fee of £199 and a 30 day rolling contract, so you can cancel at any time. It includes the installation of a new phone line and your monthly line rental. We have everything covered in this solution, so you are ready to connect and go seamlessly.

Why choose us?

Stay connected and stay productive by boosting broadband with our plug-and-play solutions. We offer:

  • Controlled costs
  • Unlimited data
  • No cancellation fees
  • Flexible short-term contracts
  • Full ownership of all hardware

Plus, a dedicated tech support line for all setups.

What’s next?

Call us on 020 7493 2493 or email to get your fast, easy-to-install connectivity solution on a flexible 30 day rolling contract.

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