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  1. Definitions

Accessories – Any item used in conjunction with the Device(s) excluding the SIM card.

Accidental Damage – Any Damage caused to the Device(s) which was not deliberately caused by You or any other person.

Agreement – The Alfonica PROTECT document that contains all the information the Customer has agreed to including the type of Cover, Customer details, Inception date, Mobile Number, IMEI or Serial Number, Monthly Premium and Excess.

Blacklisted – Once a phone is reported Lost/Stolen (in this case to Alfonica MOBILE) the SIM is deactivated and the Device(s) is Blacklisted on a database of all the IMEI or ESN numbers that have been reported. This will block carrier services.

Breakdown – The failure of any electrical or mechanical component due to a sudden and unforeseen fault, causing the Device(s) to stop working in the intended way, requiring a Repair or Replacement before the Device(s) can be used again.

Business Day – Alfonica Business Day is regarded as Mon – Thurs 9:30 – 18:00 & Fri 9:30 – 13:00. Sat, Sun, Jewish Festivals and UK Public Holidays are all exceptions and are not considered as Business Days.

Cosmetic Damage – Non-structural Damage that does not affect the use of the Device(s) including but not limited to scratches, dents and marks.

Customer – The person or business who owns the Device(s) and is Covered under this Agreement (also referred to as ‘You’ at times in the Agreement).

(a) Person defined as individual who signed up to the Agreement (including authorised representatives) or;

(b) Business defined as organisation that signed up to the Agreement (including any employees of the business who use the Protected Device(s) primarily for business purposes)

Device(s) – Mobile Phone, Smartphone or Tablet specified in the Alfonica PROTECT Policy.

Excess – The compulsory amount the Customer pays towards each claim.

Exclusion Period – The Period during which, if the Device(s) is Damaged, Lost, Stolen or Broken Down the Customer will not be able to claim. This Period is:

• 14 days after and including the Inception Date on the Agreement

• 14 days after any change to the Customer’s Agreement, where a Device(s) has been added or changed due to Upgrade or Voluntary Replacement

• 14 days after the current Protected Device(s) has been Replaced (unless deemed to be faulty by both

parties) IMEI Number – The International Mobile equipment identity number which is the unique identification number that will be used to identify the Mobile Phone.

Inception – The date the Cover begins with Alfonica PROTECT as detailed in the Agreement.

Loss – The Device(s) has been Accidentally Lost by You and You are now permanently deprived of its use.

Malicious Damage – The intentional or deliberate actions of any person which causes Damage to Your Device(s).

Period of Cover – The Period for which You are Covered by Alfonica PROTECT under this Agreement and which is confirmed on Your contract.

Proof of Purchase – The Device(s) must be purchased from Rose Communications Group Ltd and the IMEI provided must match the one registered on both Alfonica MOBILE and Alfonica PROTECT systems as well as the IMEI listed on Your Alfonica PROTECT contract.

Reasonable Precautions – Means a person using appropriate measures to prevent the Loss, Accidental Damage or Theft of the Device(s). You must not leave Your property Unattended in a place where it is accessible to the general public. No Lost or Stolen claims will be valid for Device(s) left in publicly accessible places. This includes vehicles and properties with doors or windows left open or unlocked.

Refurbished – The Device(s) is not new out of box but has been serviced and tested by our approved partners and where necessary any technical repairs made.

Renewal – Each successive 12 Month Period (or such other Period as previously agreed by both parties) following the expiry of the initial Cover Period.

Replacement – The Device(s) that will be provided to You under the terms of the contract in the event You should make a claim.

Supplier – Rose Communications Group Ltd is licenced on behalf of Telecoms Direct Ltd to sell and provide the admin function of Alfonica PROTECT. At times any of these companies may be referred to as ‘US’ or ‘WE’ in this Agreement. Alfonica is part of Rose Communications Group Ltd and Alfonica MOBILE is a division within.

SIM – The card inside a Mobile or Smartphone linked to the Network and Your phone number. This may also store personal data, preventing operation if removed. The activation and deactivation of this card allows calling and other functions resulting in additional charges.

Theft – The unlawful taking of a Device(s) against Your will by another party, with the intention of permanently depriving You of it.

Unattended – Not within the Customer’s sight at all times and out of the Customer’s arms-length reach.

Unauthorised Usage – Calls, Text and Data used from the Customer’s Device(s) after the time it was Lost or Stolen until the time it was reported to Alfonica MOBILE to be Blacklisted.

United Kingdom – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

  1. The Agreement

It is a condition of this Agreement that the Customer’s Device(s) is purchased from Rose Communications Group Ltd on an Alfonica MOBILE Tariff and that the Alfonica PROTECT Agreement is taken out at point of sale.

Should it be mutually agreed that a Device(s) is added after this point, the Device(s) will need to be approved by Alfonica PROTECT before it is confirmed as Covered.

The Customer acknowledges that the cost of Alfonica PROTECT Cover and any Compulsory Claim Excess charges are dependent on the make and model of the Device(s). This will be advised to You in advance of Your Agreement and confirmed on Your contract.

The Agreement entitles the Customer to a Replacement Refurbished Device(s). Alfonica PROTECT will endeavour to provide a Device(s) as close to the Customers original make, model, colour and memory variant however the Customer acknowledges that this may not always be possible. The Customer agrees to accept the Refurbished Replacement Device(s) offered based on the terms stipulated.

The Customer accepts that no Accessories, Data or Costs (including Unauthorised Usage or Loss of Earnings) are Covered by this Agreement. The Customer also understands and accepts that Alfonica PROTECT will not accept any claims for Cosmetic Damage.

Alfonica PROTECT will provide the Replacement Device(s) within 24 Business Hours once the claim has been accepted. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that the claim is not finalised until their original Device(s) has been received and examined by Alfonica PROTECT and their service partners. This may take up to a period of 30 days. If the claim is not deemed to be valid the Customer may be subject to the full cost of the Replacement Device(s) as well as the Excess charge and any admin charges incurred.

The Agreement extends to Cover Your Device(s) outside of the UK for up to 60 days in total for each 12 Month Period. This can be in succession or split into separate trips.

There are no stipulated limits to claims allowed within Your policy however Alfonica PROTECT reserve the right to refuse a claim at any time if they feel the Customer is not abiding by the terms agreed.

The Customer agrees that any claims for Loss/Theft whether in the UK or abroad will be reported to the police within 24 hours and a Crime reference Number obtained. Lost devices must be registered on WWW.IMMOBILISE.COM to be valid.

By entering into the Agreement the Customer agrees to take all Reasonable Precaution to ensure that the Device(s) is not intentionally Lost, Stolen or Damaged.

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that each claim made will incur a compulsory Excess, the value of which will have been advised at point of sale and specified in Your contract.

Unless agreed differently with the Customer, English law will apply.

  1. Period of Protection

Unless stipulated on Your contract and previously agreed by both parties, Your Alfonica PROTECT Cover will run for a Period of 12 Months.

To ensure You have continuous Cover We will automatically Renew Your Alfonica PROTECT Agreement at the end of each Period. If You do not wish to Auto-Renew You will need to opt out when signing the initial Agreement. You can also advise Us in writing 30 days before the end of Your Period of Cover that You do not wish to Renew.

Auto-Renew will not apply if You leave Alfonica MOBILE or You Upgrade Your handset to another Device(s). Please contact both Your Alfonica MOBILE Account Manager and Alfonica PROTECT in these instances to advise of the change in circumstance. Please refer to the cancellation section of this Agreement for more details.

Once a new 12 Month Period begins, You agree that You are entering a new contract Period and all terms listed within apply.

The Agreement commences 14 days after the Inception. Within these 14 days the Customer has the right to cancel with no penalty. No claim can be made within this initial Period.

The benefits of this Agreement cannot be transferred to someone else or to any other business without Alfonica PROTECT written permission.

The Company offers a 20% Cashback incentive if the Customer has never made a claim during his 24 Month Protect Policy Period. The Customer accepts the cashback will not be paid automatically but will be honoured via redemption. To claim the Cashback the Customer must make their request in writing to while the policy is still active or within 30 days after cancellation of the policy.

The cashback value will be payable by cheque or BACS. If the Customer cancels Alfonica PROTECT before the No Claims Cashback Period, no Cashback will be issued under this Agreement.

  1. Customer

The Customer must be at least 18 years of age at time of entering the Agreement and a UK resident. The Customer must take all Reasonable Precautions to ensure the Device(s) is not Lost, Stolen or Damaged.

Any failure to do so could result in the policy being cancelled without refund and/or claims being refused.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure all data provided to Alfonica PROTECT is kept up to date. The Customer should notify Alfonica PROTECT directly of any changes to contact details including email and postal address. For security reasons this information may not be passed over automatically by Alfonica Mobile if changes are notified to them.

  1. Payment and Cancellation

Alfonica PROTECT is supplied on a 12 Month basis. The Customer elects at Inception if they wish to pay the full premium in advance or in Monthly instalments.

Alfonica PROTECT pricing and Excess charges are determined based on make and model of the Device(s) being Covered. This will be advised in advance and stipulated on Your contract.

Alfonica PROTECT will offer the Customer a discount to the value of 15% of their Cover value if the Customer elects to pay upfront and in full. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that they have entered into a 12 Month contract and no refund will be given if they decide to terminate after the 14 day cooling off Period.

If the Customer elects to pay in Monthly instalments no discount will be provided. If the Customer makes a claim within their contract Period they forfeit the right to cancel the policy and in the event they wish to do so, all outstanding instalments will still be contractually due to Alfonica PROTECT.

The Customer can elect to pay via either Credit Card or Debit Card or using a Monthly Standing Order via their Alfonica Mobile Account. This will be mutually agreed at Inception and stipulated on Your contract. If at any time a payment is missed You may forfeit the right to make a claim whilst still remaining contractually obligated to the remaining balance outstanding on Your Agreement.

It is the Customers’ responsibility to ensure they are abiding by the terms of this contract and all accompanying documents. If the Customer invalidates their Alfonica PROTECT Cover for any reason or submits a claim which is found to be invalid or fraudulent they forfeit the right to cancel. The Customer also accepts that in these events all outstanding premium payments owed to Alfonica PROTECT as well as any compulsory Excess, admin fees and Replacement handset costs will all be contractually due to Alfonica PROTECT on request.

Alfonica PROTECT reserves the right to cancel the Customers’ Agreement at any time upon giving the Customer 30 days’ notice in writing.

In the event that the Customer is leaving Alfonica MOBILE before their Alfonica PROTECT contract has expired or remaining with Alfonica MOBILE but upgrading their Device(s) early, Alfonica PROTECT will allow the Customer to terminate their Agreement (Monthly payment plans only) incurring a £15 admin fee. This only applies if no claim has been made in the contract Period. If a claim has been made all future payments are contractually owed.

In the event of a handset upgrade through Alfonica MOBILE a new Alfonica PROTECT Agreement will need to be taken and all terms restarted.

Any requests to cancel Agreements within the contractual Period which are not listed above must be made in writing to Alfonica PROTECT at and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

If at any point Alfonica PROTECT is requested to cancel Agreements or make changes within the contractual 12 Month Period that does not fall under standard claim, an additional £15 admin may be charged.

  1. What to do in the event of a claim

Step 1
Contact Alfonica PROTECT to report the claim within 72 hours (Loss or Theft must be reported within 24 hours). Alfonica will require Your IMEI and/or serial number, phone number, name and account number – please ensure You have these to hand.
020 8815 4126

Step 2
Alfonica PROTECT will confirm the claim and arrange for a Replacement Device(s) to be sent to Your local Alfonica store. You will be issued a claim number for reference.

Step 3
Before handing over the Device(s) please remove all data and passwords. Please ensure the Device(s) is removed from any cloud services such as iCloud or Google. Any passcodes which cannot be removed due to smashed screens should be provided to Alfonica PROTECT.

Step 4
On collection You must return the Damaged Device(s) to Alfonica PROTECT via Your local Alfonica store. Please provide them with the claim number, Your name, account number, email address, telephone number and IMEI.

Step 5
The claim is finalised once the Device(s) has been inspected by our PROTECT Service team. If it is deemed the claim is not valid, You may be subject to additional charges. Please see full t&cs for more details.

  1. What to do in the event of loss of theft

Step 1
Contact the last place You remember having Your Device(s) to see if anyone has found it.

Step 2
Contact Alfonica MOBILE to blacklist the SIM within 24 hours. 020 8815 4111

Step 3
Report the Loss/Theft to the Police (this also applies to Worldwide claims) within 24 hours and request a Crime Reference Number and the Police report. Lost Device(s) must be registered on Lost property numbers are not valid and will not be accepted for claims!

Step 4
Where possible, activate the location feature on Your Device(s) to help retrieve it. This feature may also enable You to lock and wipe data stored on the Device(s).

Step 5
Contact Alfonica PROTECT to report the claim within 24 hours (unless there are extenuating circumstances) and then follow the standard claims process. If Alfonica PROTECT replaces Your Device(s), the Damaged, Lost or Stolen Device(s) becomes the property of Alfonica PROTECT. Should a Lost or Stolen Device(s) be recovered, the Customer must return this to Alfonica PROTECT within 48 hours.

  1. How we handle customer information

As an official partner of Rose Communication Group ltd, Alfonica PROTECT works in line with the Alfonica Data Protection and Privacy Policy. For further information please view the Alfonica MOBILE website

  1. Complaints procedure

We hope you are completely satisfied with your Alfonica PROTECT Cover but if for any reason you are not, please contact us at Please identify the email with the title ‘Complaint’ and your Agreement Number in the subject bar to help us identify it quickly and efficiently for you.