Work from home – solution in a box

Is poor connectivity at home hindering your team’s productivity? As the government tightens restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19, people are being encouraged to work from home again where possible. Over the last few months, it’s been proven that working from home doesn’t negatively affect productivity or profit – in fact, quite the […]

How to ensure your business is prepared for the unknown

The COVID-19 global pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we conduct our daily routines at home or with our families. At Alfonica, we believe that people are adaptable and want to fulfil their roles as best they can, but often it is our connectivity systems that prove […]

10 tips for getting faster comms when working from home

Now that more people are working from home than ever before, it is important that you do everything possible to maximise your Wi-Fi speeds. Ofcom have issued some good advice which the BBC Website has expanded on to produce a top 10 list of do’s and don’ts to get faster Wi-Fi when you are working […]

Investigating the feasibility of working from home for your employees?

5 factors to consider about your telecoms system beforehand All the technology now exists to make working from home a realistic and straightforward option. The internet and mobile telephony give your employees the freedom to do their job effectively from just about anywhere in the world with an internet connection. But what if you want […]

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Want to save money on your telecoms services?

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