What are the advantages of Unified Communications (UC)?

In our last blog article, we looked at what UC actually is. This time we will be looking at the benefits of UC and how to start building your UC system. So, who will UC benefit:

  • Mobile workers – At any one time during your work hours, you may have employees who are out in the field, carrying out crucial responsibilities away from the office. In this situation, the option to integrate a UC system with multiple devices, including those workers’ mobile devices, could prove invaluable.
  • Scalability – An especially strong incentive to choose a UC system would be the flexibility it would afford you for scaling your communication infrastructure with your company’s needs. Indeed, as your firm recruits more workers and opens multiple sites, the system can be expanded to cover all of them.
  • Broader Communications – Furthering your business’ use of UC means having the ability to carefully select from various communications methods to meet specific enterprise communication needs. While phone and email are staples of an office communications system, you could augment them effectively.

What are the starting points of building a UC system?

The “brain” of a UC system is what is known as the IP PBX. This stands for “Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange” and is responsible for channelling various lines of communication – including Internet access, standard phone calls and VoIP – through a single connection.

What is VoIP? The acronym means “Voice over Internet Protocol” – and, for many businesses, VoIP has kept growing in importance as a slice of their UC pie. With VoIP and IP telephony, calls – both video and voice calls – can be transmitted over the Internet or local area networks (LAN).

So important has VoIP become to a well-oiled UC system that implementing a hosted phone system could especially effectively ease your business into uptake of a true UC system. Our Horizon hosted system offers various exciting features, to which more can be added as they are built and issued.

In the next article we looking at what type of organisation UC is good for.

This article is taken from our upcoming white paper ‘Beginners guide to unified communications’. If you would like a copy or would like to discuss your unified communications requirements, please contact us.

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Here at Alfonica and RCUK, we attribute success to the hard work of our team, but we know that great leadership matters

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