Your feedback matters and helps shape the future of Alfonica

Thank you for choosing Alfonica. We would love to read YOUR review, because getting feedback is the only way we know if we are doing something right, or if we need to improve.

Here’s how to leave a review… It’s really easy!

To leave us a Trustpilot review

  1. Go to the Trustpilot website
  2. Select the ‘Write a review’ link.
  3. Select the number of stars that you want to give us.
  4. Write a review and give it a title
  5. Click post

To leave us a Google review

  1. Go to Alfonica’s Google review page.
  2. If a review box does not automatically pop up, click the word “Review”
  3. In the window that appears, click the stars to score and write the review.
Thank you for taking the time to review Alfonica.

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Want to save money on your telecoms services?

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